The Latest Free PLR Downloads!

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Free PLR Of The Week!

A new week means another new Free PLR download for you. Full details below...

Here is a short report showing you a quick process for using PLR video content.

Since this week's freebie includes video, I wanted to make sure you also downloaded the free report if you have't yet:

Now, on to the freebie...

Free PLR Download: Handle Adversity Video PLR

Video is one of the highest impact content formats when it comes to audience engagement and effectiveness.

This week's freebie focuses on the theme of facing challenge...

  • Growth In Adversity
  • Handling Burnout

Each of the two topics comes with a video, and everything we used to create the video including transcript, audio files, and slide deck!

The freebie is available for TFM subscribers for 1 week only:
Check it out here


Justin Popovic
Tools For Motivation Co-Founder
Call: 888-970-3521
Text: 431-807-9010

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