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Saturday, June 19, 2021

PLR Database


PLR Database

YouTube Advertising

Posted: 19 Jun 2021 04:02 AM PDT

YouTube Advertising PLR Database

YouTube Advertising

With over 500 hours of content uploaded every minute, YouTube is one of the largest content platforms available. It's the #2 most visited website in the world, second only to Google.

More than a billion videos are watched each day, with over 2 billion users logging in each month.

So, it should come as no surprise that YouTube advertising is considered one of the most powerful (and profitable) tools for advertisers today.

Within this package you will find the following modules:

Users Guide

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What Is Stress

Posted: 19 Jun 2021 04:01 AM PDT

What Is Stress PLR Database

What Is Stress

Everybody deals with stress in their own way. Some people decide to cower away and cry in a corner, others try to fight their way through any stressful situations, while some just tend to freeze and bottle everything inside until it bursts out like a balloon that's been inflated too much and can't handle the pressure anymore.

Regardless of how you deal with this sort of a situation, what you need to understand is that when you are stressed, and your body immediately forces itself into making the right decision to escape the situation unharmed.

Within this package you will find the following modules:


The post What Is Stress appeared first on PLR Database.

Gateway To Success AudioBook and Ebook

Posted: 18 Jun 2021 04:02 AM PDT

Gateway To Success AudioBook and Ebook PLR Database

Gateway To Success AudioBook and Ebook

Everything you want is dangling right in front of you and the only reason you can't have it is deep down, you truly believe that it's just out of reach. The truth is that it's well within reach, and I intend to prove it to you with this book!

You've seen tons of them before. Self-motivation books are practically a dime a dozen. The difference is that I've read all these books. I know which ones are a bunch of baloney and which ones have solid advice.

I've done the work for you, I've sifted through mountains of information and refined it into a system that has REAL results! DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME WITH ANY OTHER SYSTEM! Use The Tactics and Techniques That Really Work!

Within this package you will find the following modules:

Sales Letter

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8 Days To Cash On The Internet AudioBook and Ebook

Posted: 18 Jun 2021 04:01 AM PDT

8 Days To Cash On The Internet AudioBook and Ebook PLR Database

8 Days To Cash On The Internet

It's not really hard to make money on the internet. It's not complex or confusing. And all of those other books that want you to believe these myths? Well, they're completely wrong. This book will show you the way to wealth.

Now, the profits don't come pouring in overnight. They don't come in without you investing some time and effort into the process. You have to approach making money on the internet as a business, not a part-time hobby. But I promise you, if you follow the information and step-by-step guidelines in this book, you will make money.

Can you imagine never worrying about paying your bills ever again? What do you dream about doing with your wealth? Don't waste another minute, get started on a new life right now!

Within this package you will find the following modules:

Sales Letter

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Cardio Master

Posted: 17 Jun 2021 04:02 AM PDT

Cardio Master PLR Database

Cardio Master

What's the first thing you think of when you hear "cardio?" Probably running or perhaps the elliptical machine, stationary bike, or even a rower, maybe? But there's so much more to cardiorespiratory training than steady-state endurance workouts—a.k.a. trucking it for the long haul.

To get and maintain a healthy body you ought to connect yourself to a routine with a regular exercise schedule. If your body can do everything and enjoy doing leisure activities as well, then you are physically fit. Also, for a fit body, it is easy to take on the stress and do some work even in adverse times.

Within this package you will find the following modules:

01 - Training Guide
02 - Cheat Sheet
03 - Mind Map
04 - Top Resource Report
05 - Graphics Package
07 - Articles

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10 Ways To Create Your Next Information Product Faster

Posted: 17 Jun 2021 04:01 AM PDT

10 Ways To Create Your Next Information Product Faster PLR Database

10 Ways To Create Your Next Information Product Faster

If you have a business selling information products, then you need to create a lot of products. This includes lead magnets, tripwires, main offers, upsells, backend products, and more.

Whew, sounds like stocking a sales funnel could take a long time! That's true, it can. And that's why you'll want to check out these 10 surefire ideas for creating your next information products faster and easier than ever before.

Within this package you will find the following modules:


The post 10 Ways To Create Your Next Information Product Faster appeared first on PLR Database.

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Today's Newest PLR Products

Today's Newest PLR Products

Below are today's newest and latest products that have been added to PLR Database. Enjoy!

YouTube Advertising
06/19/2021 07:02 AM
YouTube Advertising PLR Database With over 500 hours of content uploaded every minute, YouTube...
What Is Stress
06/19/2021 07:01 AM
What Is Stress PLR Database Everybody deals with stress in their own way. Some people decide to...

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PLR Database
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