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Sunday, July 17, 2022

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PLR Database

Traffic Generation Cheat Sheets

Posted: 17 Jul 2022 04:00 AM PDT

Traffic Generation Cheat Sheets PLR Database

Traffic Generation Cheat Sheets

This is a collection of 13 different cheat sheets that are going to help you generate traffic from many different places across the internet. If you are in need of my traffic or are starting a new business, then you are needing ways to help generate traffic.

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The Power of Influence

Posted: 16 Jul 2022 04:00 AM PDT

The Power of Influence PLR Database

The Power of Influence

Finding true and sincere friends results in a fulfilling life! Your Social and Business Life Can Be One of Happiness and Fulfillment or One of Distressful Drama and Turmoil, Depending on Whether You Surround Yourself With True Friends or Mere Acquaintances.

Discover How to Attract Good Friends and Influence the Right People. The Power of Influence is Packed Full of Insight Into a New Way of Thinking About Friendship in the 21st Century, Showing How Friendship is Now More Important Than Ever!

How to Win Friends and Influence Others Offers Priceless Insight Into:

  • The Social Needs of Human Beings
  • Recognizing a True Friend
  • 21st Century Friendship
  • Friends at Work Vs. Social Friends
  • Why You Need Friends
  • Creating Impressions on People
  • Internet Friends and Impressing Others Online
  • And much, much more...

Within this package you will find the following modules:

Sales Page
Squeeze Page

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7-Step Goal Setting Workshop

Posted: 15 Jul 2022 04:00 AM PDT

7-Step Goal Setting Workshop PLR Database

7-Step Goal Setting Workshop

Discover The 7 Steps To Setting Successful Goals That Will Inspire You To Take Action. Within this guide, you'll discover... How To Evaluate Your PRIORITIES, The GOLDEN RULES To Create Successful Goals and The Simple Hacks To Manage Your GOALS.

Within this package you will find the following modules:

Lead Magnet
Landing Page
Graphics Pack

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IM Lifestyle Upgrade Package

Posted: 14 Jul 2022 04:00 AM PDT

IM Lifestyle Upgrade Package PLR Database

IM Lifestyle Upgrade Package

The Video and Audio Training To Creating The Ultimate Internet Marketing Lifestyle. Most marketers initially get involved with Internet Marketing and start out on their quest with dreams of the ultimate lifestyle of freedom...

BUT, they get stuck and end basically just creating another time-sucking job. Instead of beaches and laptops, they get stuck to their desk in their home office for hours on end each day...

It's a life filled with stress. Late nights... Hard work... Back pain... And struggling to stay productive day after day... It's no wonder that most online marketers eventually give up... Working 12+ hours per day sitting at a desk is NOT the lifestyle they initially wanted when they started working online.

Inside This Step-By-Step Training, You'll Discover:

  • What life could and should be like for Internet Marketers
  • The dream of Internet Marketing and why it can be the ultimate lifestyle for those looking for freedom
  • The big reasons why almost all Internet Marketers fail and end up creating another JOB for themselves
  • Why sleep is crucial to your success, and an overview of what it means to have ideal sleep hygiene
  • How to get to sleep at a normal time each night and get out of bed on time... every time!
  • How to cultivate discipline and use productivity strategies to get more done every single day
  • Stop staring at a blank screen and wasting time each day, and discover how to separate your day into blocks and jump straight into work
  • How to improve your productivity with your hardware and equipment
  • The tools you must have to successfully work "on the move..."
  • The life of a "digital nomad "and how to know whether or not that sort of lifestyle is for you
  • The importance of work/life balance and how to make sure you're not working all the time
  • A simple method for solving the problem of "needing a little more cash..."
  • How to charge more money and work less
  • The power of automation and how to use it to make more money and decrease your workload
  • Plus, a whole lot more...

Within this package you will find the following modules:

Module 1 - Training Videos
Module 2 - Sales page
Module 3 - Legal Pages
Module 4 - Sales Video
Module 5 - Affiliate Page
Module 6 - Promotion Email Swipes For The Upsell
Module 7 - Squeeze Page
Module 8 - Giveaway Report
Module 9 - Graphics
Module 10 - Audios

The post IM Lifestyle Upgrade Package appeared first on PLR Database.

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