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Automated Viral List Building

Posted: 07 Jul 2021 04:02 AM PDT

Automated Viral List Building PLR Database

Automated Viral List Building

You've been told repeatedly that the money is in the list. That is true. However, far too many business owners struggle with this concept. Have you been struggling to build a list that converts into sales? Or maybe you've tried and couldn't even build a list?

Either way - you can do it if you're willing to take the time to follow this blueprint. I must warn you though - while it can send you a flood of highly targeted buyer quality traffic, it does take some work. But if you're the 1% of action takers then this is for you.

You'll learn a specific strategy that is often untapped because people don't want to take action.

Here's a breakdown of this 9 part video series:

Video 1 - Introduction and Quick Overview
Video 2 - Different Types of Customer Lists
Video 3 - Highest Converting List and How This Works
Video 4 - Formula for High-Value TY Offers
Video 5 - Finding Vendors to Piggyback On
Video 6 - Vendor and Buyer Analysis
Video 7 - Creating Quality TY Offers
Video 8 - Building List #1: Vendors
Video 9 - Building List #2: Affiliates

Within this package you will find the following modules:

Module 1 - Video Training
Module 2 - Audio Training
Module 3 - Sales Letter
Module 4 - Covers

The post Automated Viral List Building appeared first on PLR Database.

Everyday Hacks Habits

Posted: 07 Jul 2021 04:01 AM PDT

Everyday Hacks Habits PLR Database

Everyday Hacks Habits

We, as human beings, are a product of habits, both positive and negative. Everyone, whether we like it or not, has hundreds of patterns that are activated daily that range from taking a shower to watching a particular television show, to getting ready to work.

Every day we consciously and unconsciously are performing habits, and whatever you call them, whether it be your routines, rituals, or behaviors, habits are a part of all of us.

Habits can be divided into three different areas. First, are those habits that we don't notice anymore because they are deeply embedded in our daily lives. These habits include brushing our teeth or tying our shoelaces.

Within this package you will find the following modules:


The post Everyday Hacks Habits appeared first on PLR Database.

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