The Latest Free PLR Downloads!

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Freebie and reminder


Go download these ready-to-publish product templates in a niche that complements the newest PLR release in the self improvement niche.  

>> Click here for this freebie

If you missed the email about the new PLR from Tools for Motivation, you'll find the details in the link below. 

Self-Improvement Coaching PLR

Imposter Syndrome has been tracked and studied many times since first discovered back in 1978. Current thought shows that at least 70% of people will experience Imposter Syndrome at some point in their lives. Guess what. The numbers are increasing due to the manner in which social media communications influences poor self esteem. 

Yesterday's email listed everything included in the release, but it's really long. Faster to get you over to the sale page while it's still available. 

>> Click here to review everything you get which includes ebooks, workbooks, audios, and more. 
Have Fun and be Great!

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